Educational Workshops

These workshops enable participants to explore the experiences of Holocaust survivors and to dive deep into specific themes related to the Holocaust (antisemitism, resistance, Canada’s role, genocide)

Élèves étudiant la Shoah

Finding Refuge in Canada workshop: The Cahn family’s story | Sec. 2-4 | 60 min.

10-35 participants (one class)


In this workshop, participants will discover how the anti-Jewish measures imposed by Nazi Germany had a direct impact on the Cahn family’s life. They will then understand how the family was able to find refuge in Canada through the help of a family friend, Mr. William Birks.
Participants will begin by analyzing primary sources which belonged to the Cahn family. They will then place these primary sources into context to better understand the Holocaust and how Canada responded to Nazi persecution.

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Resistance during the Holocaust workshop: the Feigenbaum family’s story | Sec. 3 and up | 60 min.

10-35 participants (one class)


In this workshop, participants will discover the story of Avrum Feigenbaum and his family during the Holocaust. The Feigenbaum family lived in Lodz, Poland, before the war. After the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany, the family was imprisoned in the ghetto where Avrum’s father died from starvation. The rest of the family was successively deported to Auschwitz. Out of seven family members, only Avrum and his brother, Hersh, survived.
Through analyzing primary sources (documents and testimonies), participants will better understand the different stages of genocide, as well as how Avrum and his family resisted at every stage.
This workshop was designed to complement the teacher’s guide Studying Genocide.

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Testimony with a Holocaust Survivor

Témoignage de survivant avec Léon Célémenski au Musée de l'Holocauste Montréal

Léon Celemencki, survivant de l’Holocauste, rencontre les élèves de l’école Buissionnière. Montréal, 2016

Survivor testimony | Grade 6 and up | 60 min.

50 participants min.

A survivor testimony adds a personal dimension to the history of the Holocaust and the millions of victims. It puts students in direct personal contact with a complex and incomprehensible part of history.

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