We are proud to collaborate with a diverse network of partners who share our commitment to education, remembrance, and respect for diversity. With their support, we continue to enrich our programs and extend our reach to broader and more diverse communities. Below, you will find the logos of these remarkable organizations. Each logo is a link to more information about our partners and the ways in which they contribute to our mission.
Beneficiaries LogosDesjardins CSUQ   Goethe-Institut German Consulate   Fichier:Culture et Communications Québec.svg — WikipédiaMusée des beaux-arts de Montréal | MBAM The Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre Mountain Lake PBS  Logo UNHCR Logo Médecins du monde Logo Conseil Migrant Logo Le centre des réfugiés logo casques blancs Canadian Friends of Rabbis for Human Rights logo Jewish Community Foundation logo  Embrace_Music_Foundation logo logo Muséologie UQàM Logo de l'association des étudiants à la maîtrise et au doctorat en muséologie de l'UQAM (AEMDM) Logo du Tribunal pénal international pour le Rwanda Logo de MSF - Médecins sans frontières Logo de La Communauté étudiante de santé mondiale Logo Samuel Centre for Social Connectedness Casques blancs logo TCRI logo PROMIS logo ABC Belin  RIDM Social Studies Saskatchewan Atlantic Jewish Council Ministère Éducation Formation Manitoba C.O.R logo  Centre de la prevention de la radicalization menant a la violence Second Story Press Logo Segal Centre for Performing Arts LogoFondation LEA ROBACKBibliothèque publique juive - Jewish Public Library  Logo de la USC Shoah FoundationExhibits — Canadian Automotive Museum RFI Roaul-Wallenberg-Centre-Human-Rights The-Montreal-Institute-for-Genocide-and-Human-Rights-Studies Jan Karski Educational Foundation Le Centre Cummings partenaire de l'exposition Le monde savait - La mission de Jan Karski pour l'humanité Logo de l,ambassade de la République de Pologne à Ottawa Union Française  Comité national arménien du Québec March of the Living Montreal YM-YWHA Romanipe Women in International Security PAGE Rwanda Centre KhemaraObjets phares de l'Holocauste, Plan culturel numérique du Québec. McGill Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism ILADA Femmes autochtones du Québec - Quebec Native Women Québec Inclusif Fondation Azrieli Foundation Fondation Dworkin