On January 27 at 9:30 p.m., tune in to Savoir média for Shoah, je me souviens, a four-part documentary in French featuring the Montreal Holocaust Museum. This series offers a rare look into the lives of Holocaust survivors who settled in Quebec after the Second World War, highlighting their lasting impact on our society. It also tackles the crucial question of collective memory and how it impacts our understanding of tolerance and respect for diversity. The film will remain available online afterwards.

“Une rare incursion dans l’histoire étonnante des survivant.e.s de la Shoah venu.e.s s’établir au Québec après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, mettant en lumière leur impact insoupçonné sur la société québécoise. À travers le Musée de l’Holocauste Montréal, unique au Canada, la série aborde également l’enjeu crucial de la mémoire collective en lien avec le vivre ensemble.” (Savoir)

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