Educational Programs for School Groups

Visit the Museum

School Programs at the Museum

Discover the tours, workshops, and testimonies offered at the Museum.

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Visit the Museum

Extra-Mural Educational Programs for School Groups

No need to go anywhere! Reserve a testimony or workshop to take place in your school.

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Virtual Programs for School Groups

Is your school far from the Museum? Reserve a virtual program presented by a mediator or survivor.

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Educational Programs for Non-School Groups

Visit the Museum

Educational Programs at the Museum for Non-School Groups

Discover the tours, workshops, and testimonies offered at the Museum.

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Visit the Museum

Extra-Mural Educational Programs for Non-School Groups

No need to go anywhere! Reserve a testimony or workshop to take place in your organization.

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Virtual Programs for Non-School Groups

Is your organization far from the Museum? Reserve a virtual program presented by a mediator or survivor.

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Group Reservations

Reserve a Tour for a Group

Reserve one or multiple on-site, extra-mural, or virtual educational programs.

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