(Film en anglais) Join us for the screening of the film, Resistance on July 2, 2020 at 7:00 PM in partnership with the Jewish Public Library.

  • Movie in English, 120 min.
  • A film by Jonathan Jabkubowicz (USA, 2020)
  • Starring: Jessie Eisenberg, Ed Harris, Edgar Ramirez

Based on a true story

Before he was the world-famous mime Marcel Marceau, he was Marcel Mangel, an aspiring Jewish actor who joined the French Resistance to save the lives of thousands of children orphaned at the hands of the Nazis.

A selfless act that would change countless lives

Jesse Eisenberg stars in this compelling drama about a group of unsung heroes who put themselves in harm’s way to rise above hatred and oppression during World War II. As a young man growing up in Nazi-occupied Europe, Marcel has no intention of getting involved in the war – his pursuits include impersonating Charlie Chaplin in burlesque clubs, painting backdrops for his plays, and antagonizing his obstinate father. His life is thrown into upheaval when he is recruited into the French Resistance, putting his acting skills to the ultimate test in teaching orphaned Jewish children how to survive in the horrifying reality of the Holocaust.

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Le Musée de l’Holocauste Montréal mets en oeuvre des actions et des programmes afin de sensibiliser les décideurs et la population.

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