This coupon for 0.50 Reichsmark is from Sachsenhausen Camp in Germany. The coupon is numbered 751567. It was given to Deszo Losoncy during his detention in the camp.

Deszo Losoncy's Detention to Sachsenhausen

This coupon for 0.50 Reichsmark is from Sachsenhausen Camp in Germany. The coupon is numbered 751567.

This coupon for 0.50 Reichsmark is from Sachsenhausen Camp in Germany. The coupon is numbered 751567.

This letter confirms the liberation of Deszo Losoncy from Sachsenhausen Camp in 1945.

This letter confirms the liberation of Deszo Losoncy from Sachsenhausen Camp in 1945.

Sachsenhausen Labour Camp

“Prämienschein” coupons were given to prisoners to encourage their productivity in forced labour camps. They could exchange them for extra food rations.

Deszo Losoncy’s Deportation

Deszo Losoncy was arrested in Hungary and deported to Birkenau labour camp where he worked for 16 months. He was then deported to Sachsenhausen where he was liberated in April 1945. Deszo returned to Hungary after the war. He immigrated to Canada with his family after the Hungarian Revolution of 1956.

This coupon was donated to the Montreal Holocaust Museum by Susan Losonci in 2014.

This project is part of the implementation of the Plan culturel numérique du Québec.Objets phares de l'Holocauste, Plan culturel numérique du Québec.

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